Friday, August 20, 2010

Gods Heart!

Well this part of the journey is coming to an end and I know that this was so much a part of this and God orchestrated it to the very detail even the extended time I was here. Tara is flying out here in 14 days and we are going to ride back together through some of the most breath taking country you will ever see. We were going to go sight seeing which we will do but that is not the main purpose of this time together. As Tara stated we will be visiting existing community kitchens along the way and we are working a day at the one in Denver. We will get alot of time to talk about the plans and were we go from here. As she stated we have a location offered to us and we are very excited about that.
As we have gone through this the vision has been evolving and has been getting deep in our hearts. I have been studying and realize that God talks more about helping the poor then almost anything else. Tara and I realize that this is Gods purpose and we cant wait to see it come to life. We know that the unknown is scary but we do know that we want to serve Him no matter what. We are just taking one day at a time and one step at a time it feels awesome when He is leading us not us trying to lead Him.
I know some of you dont really understand this whole thing and I dont think I can do it justice to put my ideas down here. I would love to meet with any of you when I get back and share this with you. I can just say it is not a soup kitchen targeting the homeless. It is a restuarant that helps others learn skills to be used in life,Teach people to cook healthy and that you can do it on a limited budger find Hope, eat healthier, community out reach and putting feet to our faith and so much more. We invision Ransom bringing in teams to do home repair clean up and back yard bible clubs. I could go on and on but again we are taking one step at a time We need people that have a heart for these things and come along side us and see what God can do through us and in us.
Please pray for our trip home that we will see what all God wants to do with us. Pray how God would have you be part of this the most important thing you can do is pray. Scripture is filled with gracious ways for relieving poverty and none of them involve the government. I dont usually get to political but I do think the church (which is you and I not a building) have sat back and turned a deaf ear to the crys of the oppressed the hunger and the fatherless for too long and have forced or allowed the government to do what Gods people should be doing and that is loving others more then ourselves. God tells us in his word that if we shut our ears and eyes to the oppressed, hunger, fatherless that He will shut His ears to us. I dont want Him to shut His ears to me what about You. It is time for us to not just sing about love and grace on Sunday but put feet to our love and show others that we do what we profess to believe. Others see christians as just those that point fingers and tell everyone what they are against. I want others to know what we are for. Open your ears the needs are all around us.

Thanks again for all your support and prayers continue to pray and ask God to keep us humble and walking in His will

I wont shut my ears!!!


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